Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back to Reality

Well, after a week of only a couple swim, no bike rides or runs at the Lake of the Ozarks, I'm back to hitting it hard this week in my training.

I brought my running gear, but never got a chance to use it because it was so hot and humid! I did some swimming in the cove we were at and I got a good workout doing that Friday and Saturday because there were a lot of waves coming in from the main part of the lake.

Yesterday, I went to the Park District pool and did a 1500-meter swim and it felt great! I was worried about how I would do since last week I didn't work out too much, but I felt strong and was glad to be in the pool again! The lake was good practice for me, but I had no idea how to measure the distance in the cove.

Today, I'll be heading to Cardinal Fitness to ride the stationary bike since its looking pretty cloudy out and it's supposed to rain today. I'll do some weight training as well... I haven't done a lot of that since training in June which is not good! Its important to do some kind of weight/resistance training if you want your muscles to stay strong during competition. This goes back to the whole time-management concept that I struggle with sometimes... its hard to do enough swimming, biking and running workouts on top of weight training to build up your muscles and yoga/stretching to work on your flexibility. But I guess that's where your priorities come in... if you make a priority, you'll get it done.

Last week before heading to the lake, I got a magazine article about the Chicago Triathlon that my friend Katie found and sent me! It talks about the course and what it takes to train and compete in the race... Reading it made me so psyched about the race!

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